About me


Hi! I'm Naeema, a student at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School. I'm really passionate about Computer Science and website development. When I'm not studying, you can usually find me drawing, playing video games, or hanging out with my family and friends. This website serves as a portfolio where I showcase the various projects I've worked on and the opportunities I've had.


Cambridge Rindge and Latin

Location: Cambridge, MA

Dates attended: Sep 2021 - Jun 2025

GPA: 4.0

Programing Languages


Python Python Python


Python Python



Python Python

Replit Anti-Cheat

8 Weeks
Febuary 2023 - April 2023

  • - Worked with another student to create an AI that detects when a student copy and pastes code into a replit. Teachers can use it to easily figure out if a student is cheating or not.